Embark on a 20 day journey along with 5 people in search of the true meaning of Christmas. Drew, Dusty, Rory, Nazreth and Kim all from different spiritual and family backgrounds arrive in Israel equipped with a knowledgeable and interesting group guide as they discover ancient sites surrounding the birth of Jesus Christ. Learn with them the history of Christmas on this creative interactive experience. Catch rare glimpses and footage of the Holy Land, complete with breathtaking scenery and spellbinding musical accompaniment.
With all of the commercialism associated with the Christmas season these days, it is comforting and refreshing to find a film that actually digs deeper to find the true meaning of Christmas. In all honesty, this is the most unique presentation I have seen, it stirred my emotions, and I know I will not be able to forget it for a long time. I was mesmerized by the scenery, captivated by the places they visited, challenged by the main characters honest interaction with each other and inspired by the many people they encountered along the way. I believe this film series has the ability to turn sceptics into believers!
I highly recommend this DVD series for the coming holiday season to everyone. I was highly entertained and challenged in my faith. The overall message was inspiring. Thank you to Tyndale House Publishers for providing me with a complimentary copy of this DVD for my review.
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