This book utilizes common sense tactics and a detailed plan of maintaining a clutter free home using a team approach by hiring or rounding up others to tackle difficult areas of the home. Reminds me of tv shows like Hoarders. Included are chapters and discussions ie: do's and don'ts, make it like a game, what you will need, how to have the right attitude for decluttering, the different types of clutter such as emotionally based and many others. Also included are personal success stories.
5 Days to a Clutter-Free House has many points of useful information for those who are "clueless" on how to get rid of the "stuff" that is overwhelming them. The one area I found useful for anyone is how to adopt lifestyle changes that lead up to clutter in the first place, how to recognize them and how to eliminate them. I was looking for a plan on how to tackle problem areas alone and I did not find them here but only offered tips on using others to help or hiring companies who specialize in clutter removal. I would recommend this book to others who struggle with emotional clutter and not just home clutter in general. 3.3 stars
I received a complimentary copy for this blog tour from Revell Publishing for my review.
“Available February 2013 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.”

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