Friday, December 23, 2011

Miracles Are For Real by James L Garlow and Keith Wall- Fascinating Book!

Yes, miracles still happen everyday in this age, yet there are some who need to see a miracle or the aftermath of one to truly believe. This informative and fascinating book pulls together miracles from history and intermingles creatively with the present, causing the reader to grasp a clear understanding of miracles and how they touch and heal lives. Some of the points addressed in the book include: What kind of miracle are you seeking, different types of miracles, false prophets, miracles and sceptics, powerful promptings and many others. Included in this book are real life stories of those whose lives have been touched and changed by miracles.

I was not sure what to expect when I started reading this book but I quickly became glued to the pages. It is very enlightening as well as entertaining. It touched on many things that I have wondered about. I found the overall message inspiring and it challenged my faith. I will definately be reading the previous volumes before this one: Heaven and the Afterlife and Encountering Heaven and the Afterlife. I highly recommend this book to others! Very well researched and written! I received a free copy of this book from Bethany House Publishers for my review.

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