This book revolves around the lives of four men, all officers of the law and their families. Other characters enhance this fast paced story. Nathan, a transfer to Albany GA, Adam, David, a rookie, and Shane. Each man realizes that sometimes being a father holds more challenges than being a police officer, each learns what it takes to be a better father and in his own way. Derrick, wants to prove to gang leader TJ, that he has what it takes to be a member of the Gangster Nation. Javier, looking to find a permanent place in the workforce, quickly becomes an ally to the team. Tragedies are a part of every officers job and life but when it encompasses one of their own all pull together in support of the one.
Action from the very first chapter pulled me in and kept me there. Suspense, drama, high action, tear at the heart moments and comedy as well meshed together and made these characters come alive on the page and seem very real as I was reading the novel. Excellent character development, dialogue, description and scene all worked well. I found the overall message inspiring and I was challenged in my faith. I would recommend this excellent novel to others. I now look forward to watching the movie!
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